Diverse wildlife populations are valuable from many standpoints, as indicators of a healthy ecosystem, for recreation, and for aesthetics. Understanding a species’ requirements and habits is the first step in ensuring the continued existence of that particular animal. Proper protection and management of an animal’s habitat will encourage optimum populations.
Wildlife Objectives and Practice Questions (PDF)
Sample Exam (DOC)
Mountain Lion in CT Article (PDF)
Visit CT DEEP’s website for more information.
Wildlife Habitat Enhancements (New 2018)
List of select native plants and Connecticut’s 97 invasive non-natives list (PDF)
- Bluebird (PDF)
- Bobwhite (PDF)
- Canada Goose (PDF)
- Cowbird (PDF)
- Crow (PDF)
- European Starling (PDF)
- Mallard (PDF)
- Mute Swan (PDF)
- Osprey (PDF)
- Pheasant (PDF)
- Rock Dove (PDF)
- Ruffed Grouse (PDF)
- Wild Turkey (PDF)
- Wood Duck (PDF)
- Woodcock (PDF)
CT Common Mammals
CT Common Mammals- Bats (PDF)
- Beaver (PDF)
- Black Bear (PDF)
- Bobcat (PDF)
- Cottontail Rabbit (PDF)
- Coyote (PDF)
- Fisher (PDF)
- Flying Squirrel (PDF)
- Gray Fox (PDF)
- Moose (PDF)
- Muskrat (PDF)
- Opossum (PDF)
- Raccoon (PDF)
- Red Fox (PDF)
- Red Squirrel (PDF)
- Striped Skunk (PDF)
- Weasel (PDF)
- White-tailed Deer (PDF)
- Woodchuck (PDF)
Common Reptiles
CT Common Reptiles- Diamondback Terrapin (PDF)
- Venomous Snakes in CT (PDF)
Endangered Species
Endangered Species- List of Endangered Species of CT (PDF)
- Eastern Spadefoot Toad (PDF)
- American bittern (PDF)
- Bald Eagle (PDF)
- Barn Owl (PDF)
- Black Rail (PDF)
- Common Moorhen (PDF)
- Grasshopper Sparrow (PDF)
- King Rail (PDF)
- Long-eared Owl (PDF)
- Northern Harrier (PDF)
- Peregrine Falcon (PDF)
- Pied-billed Grebe (PDF)
- Red-headed Woodpecker (PDF)
- Roseate Tern (PDF)
- Sedge Wren (PDF)
- Sharp-shinned Hawk (PDF)
- Upland Sandpiper (PDF)
- Vesper Sparrow (PDF)
- Yellow-breasted chat (PDF)
- Shortnose Sturgeon (PDF)
- Puritan Tiger Beetle (PDF)
- Least Shrew (PDF)
- Bog Turtle (PDF)
- Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle (PDF)
- Leatherback Sea Turtle (PDF)
- Timber Rattlesnake (PDF)
Threatened Species
Threatened Species- Cooper’s Hawk (PDF)
- Great Egret (PDF)
- Horned Lark (PDF)
- Least Bittern (PDF)
- Least Tern (PDF)
- Piping Plover (PDF)
- Short-eared Owl (PDF)
- Snowy Egret (PDF)
Wildlife Habitat
Wildlife Habitat- Apple Trees (PDF)
- Brush piles (PDF)
- Daylighting roads (PDF)
- Mast for wildlife (PDF)
- Nest structures (PDF)
- Openings for wildlife (PDF)
- Snags for Wildlife (PDF)
Wildlife Management and Practices
Wildlife Management and Practices
- Native Tree and Shrub Availability (PDF)
- Natural History and Management of Beavers in CT (PDF)
- Freshwater Mussels of CT (PDF)