2025 Oral Presentation Scenario Now Available!

Please visit the Station Training--> Oral Presentation Page to download scenario, scoring rubric and other supporting materials.

Five Core Topics

Envirothon students will learn about the importance of soil in natural resource – management and the inter relationships between soil, water, and other resources. Soil provides a growth medium for all plant life, including food and energy resources. Soil also provides habitat, filters and retains water.
Envirothon students learn through hands-on training with experts how to identify organisms from the Sound, fresh water streams/ponds, and vernal pools. Workshops cover skills and information necessary to protect our most vital natural resource from stormwater runoff, aquifer over-drawdown, invasive species and other negative impacts.
Diverse wildlife populations are valuable from many standpoints, as indicators of a healthy ecosystem, as well as recreation, and aesthetics. Understanding a species’ habits and needs is the first step in ensuring its survival. Proper protection and management of an animal’s habitat encourages optimum populations.
Envirothon students will explore the dynamics, management and value of forest ecosystems with the help of professional foresters. Using the same tools that foresters use, they learn the basics of tree identification, tree and forest measurements and forest management strategies.
Current Issue Scenario
Current Issue Scenario
The current issue changes annually and reflects real issues facing environmental professionals. Envirothon students receive relevant topic information at a specially designed workshop. For the Envirothon event, students – prepare and present their solutions to the current issue challenge to a panel of judges.

Connecticut Envirothon Diversity Statement

The Connecticut Envirothon welcomes and encourages the participation of all high school students and advisors in its mission to increase environmental awareness and stewardship. In our educational activities and team competition, we are committed to four principles (the "JEDI" principles): (1) Justice - Dismantling barriers to resources and opportunities, (2) Equity - Allocating resources to ensure everyone has access to the same opportunities, (3) Diversity - Recognizing and valuing differences in human experience, culture, knowledge, interests, and appearance, (4) Inclusion - Fostering a sense of belonging. We also commit to increasing representational diversity on our Steering Committee, and in our invited speakers, volunteers, and sponsorships. Connecticut Envirothon recognizes the challenging work ahead and promises our best effort as we move forward together to provide an equitable and inclusive opportunity for all.


The Connecticut Envirothon relies on the generous contribution of funds and in-kind services to support its yearly programs of student workshops, teacher resources, and the annual field event.  Recent and continuing reductions in state and federal funding have left the future of this program in peril, at a time when program benefits are vital. These donations allow us to provide a variety of resource based high quality educational programming to high school students and teachers.  Please help by spreading this message and visiting the 'Get Involved/Contribute' tab above.
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